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iSkate 3.0 iPhone and iPod Touch

iSkate 3.0 iPhone and iPod Touch

iSkate is a skate machine for tracking your rides -- ever at your fingertips on your iPhone!

New with V3.0:

The bounteous 3.0 update brings rich accord features for you. In constituent to distribution your tracks by telecommunicate you crapper accomplish discover to your friends around the concern via Twitter and Facebook and you are healthy to goods tracks from added avid athletes via 1-2-Sports.

- Upload and download GPS tracks via the directive sports vena 1-2-Sports.com
- Post your recordings to Facebook and Twitter
- Full iOS4 and iPhone4 compatibility with multi tasking support
- Continuous Recording of your upbringing with the display overturned soured for up to 6 hour

iSkate provides every the aggregation you need on the track. Our smart user programme compounded with peak assist of ingest create a newborn undergo on the skates that has never been done before.


- Accurate values for underway speed, cipher speed, peak speed, amount distance, activate distance, underway altitude, climbed altitude, destroyed calories as substantially as activate time. Units crapper be ordered to US or metric.

- Watch yourself automatically advise on the transpose and zoom in on your trail

- Receive your trips via telecommunicate (KML und GPX) and analyse them at home (e.g. with Google Earth) or deal them with added skaters

- Suspend, disrupt and uphold for trips allows you to receive calls or take a break

- iPod function crapper be utilised together with iSkate

Based on innumerous test drives and excellence we calculate every values with peak exactitude of the built in GPS. You have never seen your actualised action on the skates before -- there has not been anything same a skate machine before!

For the flooded undergo we propose to ingest it in an iPod incurvature on your jacket or added incurvature where the sound crapper directly grownup GPS signals from the sky.


A MAP! Including trails! In the cities, nearly every streets and side-trails are there: Somebody from the Brobdingnagian OpenStreetMap accord has already mapped the trail for you! A accord of more than 150.000 grouping is constantly function trails around the globe!

This rattling brings skating to the professed level! Our iSkate App makes perfect ingest of what the iPhone crapper do with GPS, connectivity and the amazing concealment resolution.

And watching your tracks at home is more recreation then ever, especially after a hard workout!


Our accord is thrilled by the maps and the intuitive and smooth UI. We are eager to intend feedback and implement modify newborn stuff. We tending most your opinion! Check it discover and let us know what you same and if there is anything you miss!


Please note: Continued ingest of GPS running in the background crapper dramatically decrease shelling life.
What's newborn in Version 3.0
The bounteous 3.0 update brings rich accord features for you. In constituent to distribution your tracks by telecommunicate you crapper accomplish discover to your friends around the concern via Twitter and Facebook and you are healthy to goods tracks from added avid athletes via 1-2-Sports.

Connection to the directive sports vena 1-2-Sports:
- Easy to use: Sign up in meet 1 minute from within the app
- Export your trips to 1-2-Sports with a azygos click
- Import trips from 1-2-Sports into the app and exhibit them in the transpose for guidance

Post your trips to Facebook and Twitter:
- The easiest artefact to exhibit activate content to every your friends
- Your trails crapper be viewed in Google Maps from your tender with a azygos utter



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