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Coin Dash! v1.1.1


Sometimes we just requirement a mettlesome to verify our nous soured the stress of life. Or maybe we requirement a mettlesome to fit our wishes of endless riches. Or maybe we requirement a mettlesome that is aimless and mind-numbing. Whichever status you encounter yourself in, Coin Dash is the surefire cure. […]
Overall, Coin Dash is a fun, mind-numbing mettlesome that crapper verify your nous soured actuality and plunge it into a vision filled with never-ending wealth. It haw not hit whatever goal but module keep your kid, spouse, or friend busy. Check discover Coin Dash in the App Store today!

CoinDash! is a alacritous paced construction mettlesome aiming to fill lowercase breaks. By tilting your iPhone you curb 1 discover of 3 available characters. This takes whatever power of reaction and reflexes.

The cipher playtime per mettlesome is most 3 minutes. Therefore CoinDash! is saint to fill lowercase breaks throughout the day. But… verify care! Once you are hooked, you module encounter it hard to place down.

What’s it every about?
Van Holsing needs money to money his campaign to Haunted Island. Help him in his task by aggregation as some coins as alacritous as you crapper - before they vanish. That’s what makes him “Happy”. Little by lowercase your coins module raise to rings and modify diamonds.

The measure is ticking:
...merciless. When instance reaches 0 the ammo ends. So. Hurry!
You module intend a 5 seconds incentive every instance you attain making him „Happy“. Every 10 Stages you module be rewarded for every ordinal you hit left. The more instance you hit left, the more riches and multipliers module be thrown at you. Then you start over anew with 15 seconds.

4 PowerUps module assistance you aggregation faster and faster: SpeedBottle, Magnet, Collector, CoinRush. All PowerUps crapper be upgraded 4 times to significantly process their power â€" and then there are addition 4 Super levels to max them out.

After apiece mettlesome you module automatically be rewarded with “HappyCoins”. Use them to raise your PowerUps or to unlock maps and characters (EVERYTHING CAN BE UNLOCKED FOR FREE).

Patch 1.1.1 FEATURES:
- Tilt Sensitivity adjustable
- Game Center
- Options menu
- Listen to your own music
-“Feedback” & „Like“-Button
- MaxxXReset-Function-Item (Permanently adds +1 Multiplier)
- Reworked Animation System
- Unlocks come faster
- New Van Holsing (he now has a crossbow)





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