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Calculator ∞ - Great iPhone Calculator for everyone (Free in first 3 Days)

ONLY FREE FOR FIRST THREE DAY (16 to 18 / 09 / 2011). Please verify this opportunity !!!

Calculator ∞ is a Scientific Calculator that is chesty of its procreation of features been multipurpose for everybody: from base calculation users to more modern students, technological procedure engineers, programmers, etc… possessing a pliant slide keyboard with mathematical countenance support offering a great user experience

Official website: http://iPhone-Calculator.com/
(News, Tutorial Video, User Manual, Support…)

Features: Basic Calculation (+, -, x, ÷, %, Abs,…), Advanced Calculation (Sin, Cos, Log, X!, nPk, Sqrt, ^,...), denotive integral, angle, approximate fraction, mathematical displayed as in book form, leveling solution(in generalized modify & simplified form), units conversion, statistical calculation etc…

It is not exclusive a Must-Have for “back to school” app but also a multipurpose agency for your regular life.

Calculator ∞ (Commercial version): DOWNLOAD VIA ITUNES.


New features for both versions module be available for update in every digit or two months.
Calculator ∞ is expected to be multipurpose for you. If you like Calculator ∞, please be notified that all of your comments, rating & some feedback are ever welcomed.

Kind regards, INCPTMOBIS.


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