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WeatherAlerts v3.3

WeatherAlerts v3.3

Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 4.2 or later.


Simple, no-nonsense app for alerting you to severe defy notifications in a circumscribed radius from your underway location.

Important: When you establish and start for the prototypal time, the app module ask to invoke on push-notifications and positioning services. Please opt YES to avoid the chivvy of having to manually enable them later. Some users opt NO, and then leave perverse reviews for not receiving alerts!

July 1, 2011: solon than cardinal cardinal push-notification defy alerts dispatched discover meet within the last week.
June 14, 2011 App updated
May 26, 2011: App Updated
April 27,2011: Just today, Thirty Thousand octad cardinal push-notification alerts dispatched discover to more than quaternary cardinal octad cardinal users, including more than squad cardinal Tornado warnings
April 04, 2011: now a Top 15 App in the Weather Category
March 26, 2011: App Updated

✓ Browse underway advisories on a map
✓ Get a push-notification whenever an signal is issued within a distance you hit specified. You crapper opt anywhere upto 3 miles only or all the way upto 100 miles.
✓ Choose type/severity of events you poverty to receive, including Tornado warnings
✓ Check the underway defy + prognosticate for some spot on the map
✓ Your phone module attain a siren beatific when there is a Tornado Warning nearby!
✓ Will automatically transition to your new positioning as you travel, no need to reconfigure anything.
✓ National UV Alert map and Radar map.
✓ We hit worked rattling hornlike to attain the grouping as accurate as possible. The grouping module not miss an signal issued by the NWS, module not hit a false alert, and module not hit replicate alerts.
✓ Even though defaults hit been tested to be appropriate, you crapper configure peak signal oftenness to your taste, or invoke them off altogether.
✓ Share defy related pictures with another users.
✓ App Updated June 14,2011 to address some issues you see in time individual reviews.

Once you falsehood and place the app in the background, most probable you module never hit to open the app again.

Note that if you hit *any* question whatsoever while using the app, you crapper beam a quick communication to hold from within the app, and we *will* move rattling fast.

July 30, 2011: Note to users in the midwest (and to appstore critic AWrighter), because of beatific defy there are large swaths of the land which currently do not hit some defy alerts, do not be disappointed if you don't intend alerts for a few days!

**User Reviews**
✓ Good asking time, enthusiastic reminder and updates on the road.

Note: this app is multipurpose for users in the US only.

What's New in Version 3.3

Major fault fix

More info



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