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Reeder v2.5.1

Reeder v2.5.1

Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later


Google Reader Client.

- Syncs with Google Reader
- Browse by feed or folders
- Manage marked items, notes
- Support for mutual items and friends' mutual items
- Mark as unread
- Image caching
- State saving
- Slider control for itemize entries:
> motion to correct to switch read/unread
< motion to left to switch starred/unstarred
- Option to visit by oldest first (for unread items)
- Sync position bar: touch to minimize, touch the sync picture to maximize

- Send to Instapaper, ReadItLater or Readability
- Save to Delicious* or Pinbard
- Save to Zootool
- Post to Twitter
- Post to Facebook
- In-app telecommunicate for distribution articles
- Instapaper and Google Mobilizer
- Open with Safari
- Copy Link

Please note:
A (free) Google Reader statement is required to use this app.
(see http://google.com/reader)

What's New in Version 2.5.1

By popular request, Reeder can today spend to Evernote, finally!

- Disappearing subscriptions (If you're still sight this, a uphold of the app should help)
- Possible break on launch
- Sign in for Readability syncing should today also work on the iPhone 3G

- Readability syncing today can also be unfit from within the app (in constituent to the switch in Settings.app > Reeder)

More info



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