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iPIN - Secure PIN & Password Safe v2.04

iPIN - Secure PIN & Password Safe v2.04

REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.2 or later

You hit to remember several PINs and passwords? For various credit cards, online-banking, security-token, telecommunicate accounts and so on?

iPIN - and your PINs and passwords are ever at hand. Access at lightning speed - as bonded as possible!

The highlight: login with the device keyboard

With an original device keyboard you'll hit hurried admittance to every your PINs - without some annoying and time-killing passwords. Just remember a nonrepresentational shape, a digit, an alphabetized case or
an individualist device compounding and set up your clannish device code.

You crapper simply contact a device or motion over multiple sensors at once. Naturally, combinations are allowed and should be utilised to attain your device cipher as bonded as possible. The first contact activates the sensor, and with a ordinal contact the device becomes deactivated. You crapper activate and deactivate the sensors as often as you like. Your individualist device cipher is premeditated by the visit in which you hit reactive and deactivated the sensors and in which artefact the sensors hit been reactive and deactivated: azygos contact or motion over.


Safety is of greatest importance! All accumulation is encrypted with the Advanced Encryption Standard and a key size of 256 taste (abbreviated AES-256). With this state-of-the-art coding formula your clannish accumulation is fortified from unauthorized admittance - modify in the case your iPhone, iPod contact or iPad gets into the criminal hands.

KISS - keep it simple and secure

iPIN tries to fulfill the KISS principle. iPIN was matured to accumulation and pass PINs - no more and no less. So the pore is on simplicity, clearness and broad level of security.

Please don't waffle to contact us regarding some questions or comments - meet beam an telecommunicate to iPIN@ibilities.com.

Visit www.ibilities.com for more careful information.

You conceive this App is useful? Well, indite a review or verify it a someone :-)

Have a aggregation of fun with iPIN!


- spend pictures
- synchronization over WLAN
- MAC version

... and much more.

Thank you for the some suggestions!
What's new in Version 2.04
Version 2.04

- Open PDF exports in another Apps like iBook

- Send patronage files via telecommunicate (for warning to transfer a patronage to another device)

- Open patronage files in another Apps (for warning to accumulation the patronage file in your dropbox)

- Open patronage files with iPIN (for warning to change a patronage stored in your dropbox or sent via email)



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