Secrets for iPod Touch v2.6
Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later

- "5/5 - Excellent! - Getting more pages took quite a patch to work discover but I yet managed it! This app is strange continuance for money, with support and support meet the another lateral of an email!. Highly recommend this app to everyone! 5 stars!" - UK
- "5/5 - Awesome! - I saved about 1.7 gigs of memory on my 8 gig iTouch. This app is the bomb!" - USA
- "5/5 - SAVED SOOOOO MUCH SPACE!!! - The info 54 "Save expanse on iPod touch" helped me discover so much! I necessary expanse desperately and I exclusive had like 200 MB left, but when I converted every of my 387 songs into 128 kbps AAC files, I SAVED AN ASTONISHING 1.5 GB'S!!! This app rocks!!! BUY!!!!!!!!!!" - USA
- "5/5 - Top App!! - Great secrets soo multipurpose and newborn to me - an unconditional staleness buy!" - UK
- "5/5 - Thank you - Some of these tips helped me save instance and prefabricated it easier to ingest my iPod Touch. It was rattling multipurpose to me! I hit more expanse too! These tips helped me alot and you should essay them" - USA
- "5/5 - Extremely Helpful! - Great app. I found it to be extremely adjuvant for my iPod Touch. Much meliorate than the app I purchased from a assorted developer for my iPhone" - USA
- "5/5 - Top App!! - I love the tips they are rattling useful. 5 Star!!" - UK
- "5/5 - Great App!! - Very multipurpose iPod tips!! Highly Recommended!!" - UK
- "5/5 - Awesome!!! A+++ - A better, faster, smarter iPod Touch experience! - Great work A+++" - UK
TOTAL DOWNLOADS (As of 11th July 2011):
SECRETS FOR iPOD TOUCH - the Essential Guide to intend the best discover of your iPod Touch!
✓ Many of the iPod Touch's tricks revealed!
✓ Whether your an intense or unplanned user, Secrets for iPod Touch module advance the artefact to a better, more exciting and multipurpose iPod Touch experience!
A total of 87 Tips and Tricks including:
1) Battery-Saving Tips and Tricks!
2) Get Faster Directions In Maps!
3) Learn the newborn Data Detectors!
4) Dozens of Handy Shortcuts!
5) Slim Down Your Wallet!
6) Type At Computer Keyboard Speeds!
7) Master Keyboard Secrets!
8) Super Fast Web Browsing!
9) Attachment Save Trick!
10) Switch Keyboard Layouts!
11) Free Up Memory!
12) Get Super Fast TV Listings!
13) Learn the Sensor Secret!
14) Send Free Texts via Email!
15) Get Super Fast RSS Feeds!
16) Mail, Calendar and Safari tricks!
17) Fast Web/Wikipedia Search
18) Learn how to run Apps Faster!
19) Achieve Better Location Services!
20) Many more tips to Save Money and Time!
and much more!
✓ Use the All New Search Feature to apace and easily encounter the tips your hunting for!
✓ Includes some newborn tips and tricks for the every newborn iOS 4.2 and the 4th procreation iPod Touch!
✓ *Request a Secret Feature* - Send us every your requests for some tips and tricks you would like to wager in the app and we module essay our best to allow it in the upcoming update!
✓ Master your iPod Touch for an dumbfounding £0.59!
✓ And with newborn secrets to materialize free in forthcoming updates, Secrets for iPod Touch is a staleness hit for some iPod Touch user!
- Note: These secrets are for the iPod Touch - if you are hunting for Secrets for the iPhone or for the iPad then please analyse discover my another apps "Secrets for iPhone" and "Secrets for iPad"
What's New in Version 2.6
Secrets for iPod Touch Version 2.6:
- All New Search Feature!
- Easier and Faster Navigation!
- Minor individual programme enhancements!
More Secrets to materialize free in forthcoming updates!
More info
Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later
- "5/5 - Excellent! - Getting more pages took quite a patch to work discover but I yet managed it! This app is strange continuance for money, with support and support meet the another lateral of an email!. Highly recommend this app to everyone! 5 stars!" - UK
- "5/5 - Awesome! - I saved about 1.7 gigs of memory on my 8 gig iTouch. This app is the bomb!" - USA
- "5/5 - SAVED SOOOOO MUCH SPACE!!! - The info 54 "Save expanse on iPod touch" helped me discover so much! I necessary expanse desperately and I exclusive had like 200 MB left, but when I converted every of my 387 songs into 128 kbps AAC files, I SAVED AN ASTONISHING 1.5 GB'S!!! This app rocks!!! BUY!!!!!!!!!!" - USA
- "5/5 - Top App!! - Great secrets soo multipurpose and newborn to me - an unconditional staleness buy!" - UK
- "5/5 - Thank you - Some of these tips helped me save instance and prefabricated it easier to ingest my iPod Touch. It was rattling multipurpose to me! I hit more expanse too! These tips helped me alot and you should essay them" - USA
- "5/5 - Extremely Helpful! - Great app. I found it to be extremely adjuvant for my iPod Touch. Much meliorate than the app I purchased from a assorted developer for my iPhone" - USA
- "5/5 - Top App!! - I love the tips they are rattling useful. 5 Star!!" - UK
- "5/5 - Great App!! - Very multipurpose iPod tips!! Highly Recommended!!" - UK
- "5/5 - Awesome!!! A+++ - A better, faster, smarter iPod Touch experience! - Great work A+++" - UK
TOTAL DOWNLOADS (As of 11th July 2011):
SECRETS FOR iPOD TOUCH - the Essential Guide to intend the best discover of your iPod Touch!
✓ Many of the iPod Touch's tricks revealed!
✓ Whether your an intense or unplanned user, Secrets for iPod Touch module advance the artefact to a better, more exciting and multipurpose iPod Touch experience!
A total of 87 Tips and Tricks including:
1) Battery-Saving Tips and Tricks!
2) Get Faster Directions In Maps!
3) Learn the newborn Data Detectors!
4) Dozens of Handy Shortcuts!
5) Slim Down Your Wallet!
6) Type At Computer Keyboard Speeds!
7) Master Keyboard Secrets!
8) Super Fast Web Browsing!
9) Attachment Save Trick!
10) Switch Keyboard Layouts!
11) Free Up Memory!
12) Get Super Fast TV Listings!
13) Learn the Sensor Secret!
14) Send Free Texts via Email!
15) Get Super Fast RSS Feeds!
16) Mail, Calendar and Safari tricks!
17) Fast Web/Wikipedia Search
18) Learn how to run Apps Faster!
19) Achieve Better Location Services!
20) Many more tips to Save Money and Time!
and much more!
✓ Use the All New Search Feature to apace and easily encounter the tips your hunting for!
✓ Includes some newborn tips and tricks for the every newborn iOS 4.2 and the 4th procreation iPod Touch!
✓ *Request a Secret Feature* - Send us every your requests for some tips and tricks you would like to wager in the app and we module essay our best to allow it in the upcoming update!
✓ Master your iPod Touch for an dumbfounding £0.59!
✓ And with newborn secrets to materialize free in forthcoming updates, Secrets for iPod Touch is a staleness hit for some iPod Touch user!
- Note: These secrets are for the iPod Touch - if you are hunting for Secrets for the iPhone or for the iPad then please analyse discover my another apps "Secrets for iPhone" and "Secrets for iPad"
What's New in Version 2.6
Secrets for iPod Touch Version 2.6:
- All New Search Feature!
- Easier and Faster Navigation!
- Minor individual programme enhancements!
More Secrets to materialize free in forthcoming updates!
More info
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