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AjaXplorer v1.1

AjaXplorer v1.1

Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 4.2 or later.


Dedicated programme for accessing AjaXplorer enter trainer : brings the prizewinning of both worlds together, and truly savor your files, everywhere! AjaXplorer scheme programme does adapt itself to contact screens, but this native iOS covering allows a dripless integration with the device : admittance to camera and library, store files locally, ingest ajaXplorer thumbnails for faster downloads, etc.

Detailed features :
• Preview every sorts of files (images, texts, office, pdf, etc...) using iPhone documents previewer, and using the built-in AjaXplorer lightweight thumbnails when possible.
• Capture media from camera or from library and upload direct to the server!
• Stream frequence / video to your iPhone (server edition staleness be greater than 3.4 for this, otherwise the enter be downloaded prototypal before viewing).
• Edit textual files online
• Cache arborescences and files accumulation locally : you crapper download a flick and keep it for after viewing.
• Open documents from another applications (like Mail) and upload them to the server.
• And of course, perform accepted enter actions like copy/move, create, delete or rename.
• Automatically add computer configuration to AjaXplorer covering when accessing a computer via Mobile Safari.

Limitations :
Please be aware that this covering is USEFUL ONLY for people that requirement to admittance an AjaXplorer server, no another protocols (webdav, ftp, etc) are based at the moment. Also this exclusive supports files repository, AjaXplorer "Settings" regularize cannot be managed from this application. See www.ajaxplorer.info for information most the computer duplication of this application.

[Update 2011/13/06]
An issue was perceived for AjaXplorer artefact using the bridges with external CMS's for authentification. A mend crapper be found on http://www.ajaxplorer.info, you meet have to update the auth.remote plugin and this will work correctly for Joomla, Drupal & Wordpress.
LaCie Users : for the moment, the AjaXplorer edition embedded in LaCie products is likewise older to be supported. Please do not acquire this covering as it WILL NOT WORK. Be patient, we're employed on a mend with the LaCie team.

What's New in Version 1.1

This edition fixes digit of the most reported problems of the initial release
+ Ability to feeding a computer with temporary feeding enabled as an identifed user (or as guest, leaving credentials empty). This requires a rattling lowercase tweak in the config enter of the computer installation, see http://cdujeu.com for more info.
+ Ability to consortium a self-signed SSL Certificate. A alter added in the computer configuration commission staleness be set to ON.
The edition also fixes a minor fault : the auto-prepending of "http://" when address was already play with "https://" in the computer Host field.

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