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TouchOSC 1.7.1 by STORM

TouchOSC 1.7.1 by STORM

TouchOSC is a modular OSC and protocol control opencast for iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad.

It supports sending and receiving Open Sound Control messages over a Wi-Fi meshwork using the UDP prescript and supports both CoreMIDI and the Line 6 protocol Mobilizer interfaces for sending and receiving protocol messages.

The covering allows to far control and obtain feedback from code and hardware that compel the OSC or protocol protocols much as Apple Logic Pro/Express, Renoise, Pure Data, Max/MSP/Jitter, Max for Live, OSCulator, VDMX, Resolume Avenue 3, Modul8, Plogue Bidule, Reaktor, Quartz Composer, Vixid VJX16-4, Supercollider, FAW Circle, vvvv, Derivative TouchDesigner, Isadora and many others.

The programme provides a number of assorted contact controls to beam and obtain messages:

- Faders
- Rotary controls
- Push buttons
- Toggle buttons
- XY pads
- Multi-faders
- Multi-toggles
- LEDs
- Labels
- Time & shelling displays

Additionally the information crapper beam Accelerometer data. The covering comes with warning default layouts and completely bespoken layouts crapper be constructed using the free TouchOSC Editor application.



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