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GhostBaby2: Circe's Curse 1.1.0 by STORM

GhostBaby2: Circe's Curse 1.1.0 by STORM

Circe in her Dark Castle kidnaps Ghost Baby Peter. The mettlesome is most the travelling of saint to carelessness from the control of Circe. How could saint finish every pursuers sorceress summons and defeat the grievous prepotency of Dark Castle? Skeletons, Knight Dragon, Pumpkins...

How GhostBaby crapper fisticuffs with every the monsters, and bring the Dragon to be on his side?

Let's expect...

HP: saint is dead when the HP is 0, you crapper add whist finished apiece upgrading.

Attack: the higher of Peter's attack, the more alteration to the enemy, saint crapper ingest beam when the move is upgraded to 3

Defense: higher the accumulation is, inferior dilapidated module be finished to Peter

Speed: higher the speed, more lightness of Peter

Tools to collect:
Gold Coin: collecting Gold Coins to raise the noesis of GhostBaby

Wand: double the move for 30 seconds

Sword: 3 nowadays the move for 30 seconds

HP bottleful (S, M, L): better 1, 3, 5 whist of HP

Armor: refrain face move for 3 times, once touched, drive 1-point alteration to the enemy

Halo: no alteration to Ghost Baby for 15 seconds

Bomb: drive apiece adversary 3 points of HP

Helmet: spend 1 HP loss for 3 attacks



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